Curious Currency - The Story of Money from the Stone Age to the Internet Age, 2nd Edition
What is money? We use it every day without giving it a thought. But money isn t limited to coins and paper. It includes a wide range of so-called primitive or traditional currency, surrogates for cash, and even things that are quite invisible.
In Curious Currency, author Robert D. Leonard Jr. takes you around the world as he explores the development of money from the Stone Age to the Internet Age. You ll find a treasure trove inside this colorful, entertaining, and authoritative book: gold, silver, and blocks of salt . . . massive Yap stones and little cocoa beans . . . elephant tails, iron nails, whale teeth, human skulls, and hundreds of other examples of odd and curious money.
Each has a fascinating story. Each holds a valuable lesson for anyone who earns, spends, or collects money today.
The updated second edition of this award-winning book includes new information on e-gold and PayPal, proximity payments, cellphone payments, and cryptocurrencies.