2021 Ambulance Services $2 Royal Australian Mint Roll
Following the 2019 Police and 2020 Firefighters coin releases, the Royal Australian Mint rounds out its commemoration of Australia's first responders with this 2021 $2 Coloured Uncirculated Coin, dedicated to our brave and skilled ambulance services.
They are always there, ready 24/7, to provide life-saving support to patients in need.
From humble and disparate beginnings amongst the separate Colonies of 19th Century Australia, our ambulance services have evolved into one of the most effective, proficient and far reaching paramedic networks in the world.
From the busy urban centres, the vast regional and rural districts, to the remote outback, over 33,000 paramedics, communication centre operatives, researchers, analysts, corporate staff and volunteers provide unrivalled service to foster and build the health and wellbeing of all Australians.
We all share the feling of concern as we see an ambulance speed past with it flashing lights and sirens blaring-someone is hurt and needs help.
The Royal Australian Mint proudly honours the tireless and stoic paramedics who provide help in our hour of need, when seconds count.
- Maximum Roll Mintage 10,000
- Genuine RAM Roll
- 25 Coin Roll ($50 FV)
Stock to be shipped from the 18th of October.